Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Is there an Almighty God? That’s the question I want to pose.

Of course, really, we all know that there is a god…many gods. In fact, there is at least one for each of us. I mean that if a person will take an honest look at his or her priorities, the god of that person will surface—will become evident.

god is the thing or person at the top of the list.

god might be an activity, a lack of activity, a pet, a religion, a place, a creation, a paycheck, a cause. Could even be sleep, or worry, arrogance, or modest-ness. I simply could not include every single possibility. The point, though, I hope is clear.

We always pursue our god. Some of us have more than one god to which we pay homage. Some of us are extreme worshipers of our gods, and some of us worship without even realizing—or acknowledging—that we do.

Let’s get personal now! What gods get our devotion? What god gets your devotion? Do you worship your god deliberately, or would you see the price of adoring your god only after you've listed the things in your life that matter most?

Regardless of how any of us might answer these questions, the first question I asked is the most important one. Why? Well, because if there is an Almighty God, a God who is Above all and In all, then we have some serious matters to consider. Truly, not just to consider, but to act upon! Many of us would just as soon ignore this reality… just as soon not deal with it.

You might feel that life is too comfortable enough for you by now to make changes. Or you might be skeptical, thinking another change will not—or cannot—improve anything. You might even dislike life. A change in thinking, let alone in behavior is repugnant to you.

Maybe you already believe in Almighty God, but you fail to see His concern for a world already set in motion with predetermined laws of nature in place. For you, the Almighty might be “hands-off,” impersonal, unapproachable, indifferent.

Me? I believe in One Almighty God. My God created the heavens and the earth an all that is in them. He cares for me and everyone else. He gives grace to all who come to Him on His terms. My God is the only true God, and all other gods become nothing in His presence. And His presence is everywhere, which means all other gods fail.

Am I now the epitome of conceit? Please, no! I hate arrogance! It is just that I, possibly like you, have come to a decisive conclusion that life must be more than waking up, eating, checking the weather, getting dressed, going somewhere, doing something, talking to someone, eating some more, relaxing and going to bed before doing it (with variations here and there) all over again.

There must be more to life than video gaming, hunting & fishing, extreme sports, helping others, taking care of ourselves, vacationing, staying sober, feeling good, buying & selling, letting our creativity flow, teaching, learning, engineering & building, exploring & discovering, authoring, rousing others to action, entertaining, organizing, and/or whatever else we believe is worthwhile.

I have spent time, energy, and tears seeking more, and I have found more.

Tomorrow I want to share some more thoughts on this..... Hope you will come back to think them through with me!

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